- Why does she want to marry him? She must have taken leave of her senses. 她怎么会要嫁给他呢?她准是脑子有毛病了。
- Why does she want to poodle the poor kid up? 她干吗要精心打扮这个可怜的小家伙?
- Why does she want to be a singer when she doesn't sing well? 既然她唱得不好,为什么还想做歌手?
- I marvel why she should want to marry him . 我觉得奇怪为什么她要嫁给他。
- I marvel why she should want to marry him. 我觉得奇怪为什么她要嫁给他。
- When Tang Priest and his three disciples come to Mount Pitfall there is a female mouse spirit there. As soon as she sees Tang Priest she falls in love with him. Since he is so handsome, she wants to marry him. 唐僧师徒四人,来到陷空山,山上有一个耗子精,她见唐僧仪表堂堂,便想抢来成婚。
- It's beyond me why she wants to marry Geoff. 我不能理解她为什麽要和杰弗结婚.
- It's beyond me why she wants to marry Jeff. 我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。
- What about Mary? Does she want to join us? 玛莉呢?她想和我们一起吗?
- What does she want to do when she leaves school? 她毕业后想干什么?
- Who does she want to come here ? 她想要谁到这儿来?
- While I'm very fond of him, I don't actually want to marry him. 虽然我很喜欢他,但我真的不想嫁给他。
- Why don't you just drag me off if you want to marry me so much? 如果你那么想和我结婚为什么不直接把我掳走呢?
- Mary's father made difficulties when she said she wanted to marry a poor clerk. 玛丽说她想嫁给一个穷职员时,她父亲提了了异议。
- She wants to marry her daughter to that rich man. 她想把女儿嫁给那个有钱人。
- She wants to marry for love, not money. 她想为了爱而结婚,而不是为了钱。
- She wants to marry a millionaire. 她想嫁给一位有钱人。
- Why does she want revenge? 为何她要报仇?
- Why does she want this skirt? 她为什么想要这件裙子?
- Can you find out what the reason is? Why does she deny? Why does she just want to be a freind only with you?? 劝你朋友问下真正的自己,想等的话,就等下啦,牛仔天生有无比忍耐力。